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May 04, 2004


Chuck Conway

You weren't hitting on her.. were you? ;)

Seriously it sounds like a great way to sweep .. I mean, to start business relationship.

In way you were giving away a free sample. I'm sure you read this (http://www.cconway.com/index.php?p=166) but I think what you did is great. Even if she doesn't need your services, she might remember what you did and recommend you to someone else.


....she might remember what you did and recommend you to someone else.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

• The purpose of marketing is to make selling unnecessary. - Drucker

Okay. That's a bullet point. And a bumper sticker. Everything you need to know to move Benzes, toothpaste or the fact that "we're sorry, but the company won't be distributing annual bonuses this year" is in that statement.

Seriously. It's not Zen. It's not a joke. Just human nature, and some truth. All the tools you need. Now go do it.

Chuck Conway


At first I didn't get the quote. Now it makes total sense.




Heh, Chuck, I'm dying to know if you're goofing on me.

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