Todd, over at A Penny For, has launched a Top 24 of 2004 meme.
Check it out and be sure to send him yours!
Here is mine....
1.) Managing the Total Customer Lifetime
2.) The Origins of Unengaged Employees
3.)The Origins of Unengaged Employees - II
4.) IDEO? DOH!
5.) It's nothing personal folks
6.) Putting old habits out of their misery
7.) Work is Personal... Trust Matters
8.) Work is Personal... Trust Matters - II
9.) The Evolution of Advertising
10.) The Scary Future of NetFlix...
11.) My suggestion for NBC
12.) Are you involved in marketing?
13.) Project Management according to ALICE
14.) Words
15.) Modern Masters
16.) Alcohol at work?
17.) The Sweet Smell of... Mulch?
18.) A Brand is...
19.) The Sports of Business
20.) No Child Left Behind
21.) Life... shuffled
22.) The Future of Radio
23.) The Stuff we hold on to...
24.) The Mailman...