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January 11, 2005



Sounds interesting. I look forward to the read.


Curse you for hatching such an evil plot! Now I've got a bunch more great blogs I have to check out, and you want to grow that number geometrically? You should include a speed reading blog to help us keep up.

Great idea, and I really look forward to the work!

Jon Strande

Aleah, thanks! I hope you enjoy it!

Mike, LOL!!! That is a great idea!! Now, if I could just find one! Seriously, thank you!

Chuck Conway

Dam Ingenious! Simply Awesome!

Jon Strande

Chuck, thank you! So, don't be afraid to tell us what you really think... ;-) Seriously, thank you!


Simply WoW. Really great. Keep me in the loop!!!!

Jozef Imrich

Indeed, forget Love Marks, 100s of Love Bytes are snaking into the digital field.

Look Mum - no borders!

Six Dregrees of Separation? Not after this project is executed ...

Good luck.

Jon Strande

Andreas - thank you! Will do! I'm sure that I'll be blogging about it a ton in the coming weeks - I hope it doesn't get boring! ;-)

Jozef - thank you! yeah, that pretty much sums it up! There are people from all over the world participating, and the connectedness is amazing! Hopefully we can show that blogging is making the world a smaller and better place!!


Jon, this sounds really interesting. Are you planning on it being published or in an e-book format?

Jon Strande

Travis, this will be a real book - available at Amazon, I'll announce when it is available.

christopher grove

brilliant idea! Any details about the topics that are going to be touched on? You say that there's no common topic, but not if any have been set yet.
Good luck!

Jon Strande

Chris, thank you and thank you! No clue what people will write about - and that is part of the fun of it!! :-)


Thank you!!!! I am really looking forward to it. I found out about weblogs by accident and still feel like I'm walking in the dark. I'm slowly moving from conversation voyeur to active participant. Again, thank you.

Jon Strande

Chris, well thank you! I appreciate the positive feedback!

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we're looking forward to your active participation!


I have a unique perspective on the happy and sad world of blogging. It's about sharing and learning and I would like to share what I've learned.

Tom Asacker

Way to go Jon! Feel it, do it, see what emerges! Stay passionate!

Jon Strande

Tom, as always - the voice of encouragement and passion! Thank you!


Mike Arnzen

Sounds like a great book...ingenious structure...looking forward to it.

Troy Worman

100 bloggers. Sounds cool. Excellent idea. I want in. :)

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