Last night my wife and I were lounging around watching a little TV, Thursday is her TV night - CSI and Without A Trace. A commercial comes on for Comcast offering some special on High Speed Internet: Only $1 dollar a month for the first 3 months when you sign up NOW. She turns to me and says:
"Just once, I'd like to get a bill in the mail and the company offers me a discount for being such a loyal customer. I don't expect $1 a month for the Internet stuff, but 50% off just once would be nice, wouldn't it?".
In related news, literally... if you live in Central PA, watch ABC 27 News at 11... you might get to see my wife (look for a petit and attractive blond woman in a department store). She was filmed this afternoon while shopping - some piece about people taking advantage of after holiday specials or something like that.