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September 29, 2006




Pandora and Last.FM are both pretty good. To be honest, one of the ways I find new stuff is to use the Live Music Archive (http://www.archive.org/details/etree) and try the staff picks or just randomly try different artists. It's very hit-and-miss, but fun nonetheless.


Jon Strande


Oh, good call - yeah, I've found some cool stuff there as well!! Including some Ours bootlegs which have at times enjoyed heavy rotation on my iPod!




The latest versions of the last.fm player are supposed to "scrobble" your ipod tunes as well [scrobble being the term used to transmit play info to last.fm - a relic from when the social part of the site was called audioscrobbler, and last.fm was more of a streaming music/radio site].

If that doesn't work for you, try using one of two plugins: iscrobbler which is an OS X plugin, and iscrobbler for windows., the..ermm..windows equivalent. I've been using them for a couple of years, and they mostly work.

You might also want to check out pandora.fm, a pandora vs last.fm mashup..i blogged about it a few months ago: Pandora meets last.fm


Jon Strande


Cool - thanks for the info! I really appreciate it! I'm headed over to your blog to check out your post!

Thank you again!



Pandora listeners might want to check out my Zimbio page dedicated to it.



Mark Vane

Hey, while searching for widgets for my blog, I stumbled upon www.widgetmate.com and wow! I found what I wanted. A cool news widget. My blog is now showing latest news with title, description and images. Took just few minutes to add. Awesome!

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