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September 05, 2006


Christopher grove

the decision making processes aren't the same, and therefore different factors will come into play when deciding what product to buy. Brands won't be able to use the same arguments and promises, and customers will probably be less motivated by factors such as the impression given by such and such a brand. I wouldn't say that in all cases the two are completely different, but I suspect that most of the time B2B customers will have different priorities to B2C customers.
For instance, you mentioned the colour of the RZR phone, this may (or may not) be of importance to a B2B customer, but it will probably be less important than for a B2C customer.



I would agree with your assertion that all purchases are ultimately personal choices, and that ultimately there is ONE person who makes that decision. What makes the business decision somewhat different is that there can be a lot of other people who can say NO to a product or service in the decision-making process. B2B selling usually needs to spend more time on managing the NOs than B2C.

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