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November 22, 2006




Thanks for providing a valuable public service to us hermit crabs!


P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!



My pleasure! There is some great stuff on the site!! I was listening to a Van Morrison show last night that was fantastic.

Happy thanksgiving!!




Talk about a personal wayback machine! Yeah, I'll be spending a few weeks (elapsed time) listening to things that caught my eye!




Yeah, one could spend hours on the site!

Let me know what shows you enjoy!


Christopher grove

Cheers for the link Jon. I'l have to check it out. Wonder if the downloads will be free or payable...

Jon Strande

Christopher, my pleasure!!

I'm guessing it won't be free. It should be and they should make the money on posters and t-shirts. That having been said, there are a couple of shows on there that I'd be willing to pay at least $10 - $15 USD for.

What are you listening to these days???

Christopher grove

I'm listening to loads of (new and old) alt rock/indie stuff at the moment: Sugar, The Long Blondes (their first album has just come out and it sounds great), Interpol, Stereolab, The Wonderstuff, Franz Ferdinand, The Arctic Monkeys...
The current wave of indie has really re-ignited my love of guitar music, and I'm listening to very little electronic stuff at the moment.
And yourself?

Jon Strande

Chris, 'Interpol' and 'Arctic Monkeys' are two of my favorites right now as well. I'm also listening to 'Ok Go' quite a bit (just a fun CD, start to finish). I've also been listening to the new 'Kasabian' quite a bit, there are several great songs on that CD. The other two that I've been listening to a bit are 'The Doves' and 'Blue October'.

Christopher grove

just on the off chance that you read this comment to an old post, th

Christopher grove

Sorry, clicked too quickly there...

Just wanted to say that I just got the Long Blondes album that I referred to. The group is currently being hyped by the UK press, and it's another case of do believe the hype. Loads of energy. Great album.


Jon Strande


Cool - thank you! I'm always interested in new bands, especially good ones (obviously)! :-)


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