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August 12, 2007


Rich Hauck

Congrats! Dave told me, and that "consumer packaged goods company" is very lucky to have you :)

Jon Strande


Thank you! That is very nice of you to say! I appreciate it!


Paul Bearne

Very well put.

I spotted this in my RSS feed http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=hEQH6SYf3BG9V1UXJxOy0Q&_render=rss


Jon Strande

Paul, thank you!

That pipe works pretty well, huh?



Congratulations! Does this mean that The Cash Register Principle will be making a return?

Good things couldn't happen to a nicer guy!



Hope the new job is going SWIMMINGLY!! BIG QUESTION??? Did YOU get a 300 page iphone bill?? (email response, please, as M is not certain how to get back to this site on J computer!! - thanks!)

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